Sunday, 9 September 2012


You know I don't do cute. But who could resist this little quartet?

Four young tree sparrows all cuddled up together on a branch in our back garden. They remind me of an illustration in a children's book, and here they are in real life.

Cute, or what?!


mamapez5 said...

That is so cute. Thanks for sharing one of life's precious moments. Kate x

Sally H said...

Aahhh! So cute! A gorgeous photo!

Jean said...

Amazing photo, How lovely. Jean x

guddu said...
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Paula J Atkinson said...

So very cute, I immediately thought of a CI stamp when I saw this photo.

Sol said...

Just Adorable... How Cute is this...! :o)

craftimamma said...

Who could possibly fail to say Ahhhh!!! They are so sweet and you are very lucky ............ but I know you already know that, lol! Thanks for sharing the pic Lynne and thanks for your comment on my blog today. You know how much I appreciate it. I've been wanting to email for several weeks now but when I have the time (usually late at night) I've run out of steam, lol! I will get round to it but in the meantime take care.

Lesley Xx

Jules said...

Hi Lynne

Cute indeed!!!

What a fabulous photograph. You did well to capture it!

Love Jules xx