This past year has been quite an eventful one for me, for various reasons, and it seems to have flown by. Thus the anniversary of the starting of my blog, in October 2008, passed unnoticed! Not to worry, though, I can celebrate it now! To do so, and to say a huge thank you to all the lovely people who have followed the blog, left supportive comments, and generally made life in Blogland such a pleasure, I'm giving away some blog candy.

It includes unmounted stamps from Crafty Individuals and Joanna Sheen, a Crafty Individuals "Christmas" Miniatures book, Christmas stickers, paper flowers, Craftwork Cards button messages, Woodware Tag Board Book, a Memento Tuxedo Black Dew Drop inkpad, a photo frame (to alter??) and a hand made notebook.
To win all of those, just leave me a comment. If you also become (or are already) a follower, that will give you a second entry. Linking to this post from your own blog, if you have one, will gain you a third entry. (ie. Comment = 1 chance, comment+follower = 2 chances, comment+follower+link= 3 chances.) I will post the candy to anywhere in the world. The closing date will be Monday the 7th December, and a winner will be drawn randomly soon after then, so don't forget to check back & see if it's you!
Thanks again to everyone for your support and friendship, it is much appreciated.
Happy belated bloggerversary, my friend! So glad you were persuaded to loin me in blog land! off to put a link in my side bar x
Morning Lynne
Happy to give it a plug on my blog, will sort it right ow.
B x
Afternoon Lynne. Happy Blogaversary for October. I agree with your sentiments entirely.
This looks gorgeous candy. I'm off to put a link on my sidebar right now.
Have a great weekend and see if you can order some great weather for your area next week, I'm headed to the mighty Sherwood Forest!!!! Yes I've run of with Robin Hood at last!!
Time has a habit of slipping by unnoticed doesn't it? Happy belated blogoversary Lynne, great candy. Will put a mention in my sidebar, Judith x
Hi Lynne,
Thank you for visiting my blog and the encouragement! I am so happy to have discovered your blog too! I absolutely love the design of your pretty!
your blog candy is very generous. thanks for the opportunity to win. please enter my name in your draw.
Wonderful blog candy, a cheery sight on such a dull day! Keep up the good work, and, yes please! enter me for your draw.
Happy Bloggerversary!!! Wonderful candy.
Thanks for the chance to win!!! I've added info about your candy in my sidebar with link to this post.
BTW I love what you are donig on your blog
Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog. I popped over to look at yours and what did I find? A blog full of lovely inspiration and tips, PLUS a fantastic giveaway. So congrats on your blogaverary, and fi gers crossed, Very tightly! x
Hello Lynne, just loving your blog, lots of lovely stuff to encourage me, congrats on your blogversary and keep on showing us your lovely creations, luv georginaxx
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