
Saturday, 16 June 2012

Flaming June??!

Not up here in Bonnie Scotland it ain't! Cold and wet describes it pretty well. We couldn't bring ourselves to put the heating on when it's practically midsummer, but the winter woollies are much in evidence.

We are lucky enough to live within sight of a river, which is an endless source of fascination. Over the past few weeks, because the weather has been uncommonly dry, the water level has been lower than usual. We have had some idyllic walks along the riverbank of an evening. Just thought I would show you a few photos.

However, for the past 24 hours it has rained virtually nonstop. Where the river normally looks like this..... now looks like this!

And this view..... currently this view!

Talking of currents, it is amazing, not to say frightening, how quickly the water level rises and how fast it flows, but it can also go down equally quickly. I took the photos around lunchtime today, and the water continued to rise over the afternoon. From our lounge window it looks more like a lake. It has just stopped raining now, and unless there is more rain overnight, I will expect to see the water back within its banks by tomorrow morning. * (See Edit 2, below) The speed and quantity of the flow does not seem to have much effect on the wildlife though. When I went down to take the photos, this mother goose and her four youngsters were pottering about quite happily, and they didn't seem to have any trouble staying where they wanted to!

I am pleased to note that the weather forecast for tomorrow is dry!

Edit: I went out again this evening at about 9.30 to see how things had changed. The water was considerably higher than at lunchtime, as the following photos show.

However, as you can see, the sky had cleared quite a bit and the sun peeped out for a little while before it set, so it may well be a better day tomorrow.

Edit 2: The river was indeed back in its rightful place this morning (Sunday), albeit still high and having left big puddles in the fields.


  1. Oh the weather is shocking Lynn.. its only fit for the ducks and swans!
    LOve your pics.. and i bet you are so glad you moved!
    Lisa x

  2. My oh my and I thought we had loads of rain...But it is nothing compared to what has been coming down in your part of the world. besides that I reallylove the environment where you live; such a beautiful place....
    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Hi! lovely photos and some evening sun too- haven't seen a lot of that yet.The difference in water level is amazing,will be nice to have some summer weather soon :))
    hugs Lou.xx

  4. It's certainly shocking weather for mid June isn't it, Lynnne, although they are promising something better for next week!!!!!
    You certainly have an amazing view. We live near a river too and it certainly is amazing how quickly it goes up and down. When ours floods the council provides a lorry to take you through it and over the bridge as it is the only way into town.
    Hope you get some sun tomorrow.
    Hugs Lisa

  5. It looks just beautiful Lynne, but the power of water can be quire frightening. All that green grass looks lovely. It is very brown and arid here now.
    Take care when you walk by that river! Kate x

  6. Thanks for the photos - yes, water can be quite daunting the way if can come up and the speed and strength of the currents.

  7. What stunning photos Lynn, Nature is a constance source of pleasure and does indeed change by the day.

    Thank you for sharing and have a good Sunday.

    B x

  8. Wow, Lynne! What stunning photos! I hope you have had some sunshine today. Whether in flood or in drought it is so beautiful. May be scary sometimes but beautiful!


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Lynne x