
Saturday 15 June 2013


The hedgerows and verges around here have been stunning this year. Masses of wild flowers and grasses stretching for miles. Cow parsley, buttercups, dandelions, comfrey, vetches, speedwells, bluebells, red campion and more. It was such a gorgeous day, one day last week as I was driving home from work, that I just had to keep stopping and taking photos.

I happened to look over the bridge over the river just in time to see a heron take off. (It's almost in the centre of the photo - you can see it better if you click on the pic to enlarge it.)

A sunset pic to finish off with!


  1. Gorgeous photos Lynne! The hedgerows are looking pretty here too. I saw the first few poppies on my way to Dad's this morning. Do you know the song Silent Noon by Vaughan Williams? the lyrics always make me think of scenes like this

  2. Oh wow Lynne, what stunning photos.How I'd love my garden full of those beautiful wild flowers! Even around here I've noticed an excess of some wild flowers, in particular the cow parsley. Thank you for sharing.

    Lesley Xx

  3. Wow what a glorious part of the world you live in - thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Hi Lynne, oh what gorgeous photos. You were so lucky to get the heron, he's fab! And that sunset is just wonderful. Our fields and hedgerows look much the same at the moment, the late spring has meant that everything is flowering at once and what a delight to see it. Maddy x


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Lynne x